Friday, November 9, 2007

xp machine not able to access w2k domain

this is a sporadic problem on our w2k domain.

i have a new xp laptop that can join the domain, login to the machine on the domain with access privileges, and ping the domain name. it cannot however access or ping any of the hosts no the network - even the domain controller.

following the script here:;en-us;314861

nltest /dsgetdc:domain
works fine

*** can't find server name for address 192...[dc ip]: non-existent domain
*** default servers are not available.
This error occurs when there is no PTR record for the name server's IP address. When Nslookup.exe starts, it does a reverse lookup to get the name of the default server. If no PTR data exists, this error message is returned. To correct make sure that a reverse lookup zone exists and contains PTR records for the name servers.

For additional information, see the following article or articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
172953 ( How to Install and Configure Microsoft DNS Server
did this but still get the nslookup issue and still unable to ping anybody

ipconfig /registerdns
that worked finally!!!!

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